Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday morning, Paris

Saturday morning. Waiting in line outside Notre Dame, within the first 10 people after getting here an hour early. By 9:30, the line is up to almost 100 people. Our mission: to see the gargoyles up close. They have been calling to us, from their perches up on the flying buttresses and the towers. We can see them from that distance, but we need to be up close and personal. Yesterday, we got here at 10:00, only to face at least a 2-hour wait. But today we’re ready.

Yesterday, we did the museum scene, with Louvre, de l’Orangerie, and drive-by sightings at d’Orsay. Claire spent an hour sketching at de L’Orangerie, which we all found very restful. The weather has been great, and the first two nights we were out until 11:00, before getting in by 9:30 last night. We’ve seen many of the required sights, but some of the best times have been the walks in the evening. We took a Bateau Mouche ride the first night, in a little bit of rain, but with great views and a beautiful sunset. We walked up the steep, tight circular staircase of the Arc de Triomphe the second night and got to the top just in time for the sparkling of the Eiffel Tower. Don’t know what it’s really called, but on the hour at night, they light up the tower with sparkles for about 5 minutes. Not quite like the millennial fireworks off the tower, but pretty awesome, especially with the sun setting and the almost-full moon rising. Last night, we wandered around Ile St. Louis after dinner, in search of the famous Berthillon ice cream. We’d heard things shut down in summer, but an ice cream shop? Never fear, at least half a dozen places were open serving genuine Berthillon’s ice cream, and it was good. Walking back across Ile de le Cite, the sun was setting behind Notre Dame, and beautiful again.

Today is our last full day here. After our appointment with the gargoyles, we might go up the Eiffel Tower, visit Musee Marmottan, or ride out to Montmartre to see the artists.

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