Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nous sommes arrivé

Here we are in PARIS!!!!!! We just arrived and are absolutely exhausted but very excited. We're eating at a small bistro just up the street from our Bed & Breakfast. They have great croissants, and I'm having my first Parisian crepe! It's kind of rainy and gray, but at least it isn't ninety degrees outside. --Claire
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  1. Laissez les bons temps roulez!! (apologies for my horrendous French spelling!)

    Glad to hear the flight went well. We expect to be quite jealous of the trip, but I guess it's our turn for that!!


  2. I'd love to see a black and white picture of Jim in Paris wearing a beret biking down a street lined with trees and pedaling while carrying Erica and Claire who are looking back at the camera with a baguette under each arm.

    Have a wonderful time and enjoy all the great food....

  3. You all look very happy! Have a wonderful time and stay safe. Big hug, Daniela, Gabri and Ari

  4. Hey Claire:

    Looks like you are having tons of fun!!! Are you going to visit the Eiffel tower?

