Thursday, July 29, 2010


[This post was written by Claire]

Hello there, everyone! Here I am in bonnie Scotland! Yesterday, our bus tour took us right up to Loch Ness. So now, along with the gargoyles, I have become close friends with Nessie the Loch Ness monster. She is really delightful and sweet, and not at all vicious. Actually, she kind of looks like a gargoyle--except her scales are plaid patterned.

In other news, I continue to be amazed at the sheer audacity of those fluffy white creatures I mentioned before, sheep. In Skye, there are several VERY narrow one-lane roads, and navigating them in a big blue bus would be difficult enough even without the sheep that randomly cross the road right in front of you. They're not scared at all, and they just plod right across barely a foot from the front of the bus, causing the driver to slam on the brakes and honk. I don't really see why they enjoy doing this so much. They simply chew their grass on one side of the road, then solemnly cross to the other side, ignoring the honking, lower their heads and continue chewing grass. Frankly, it baffles me.

Well, that's all for now! Farewell! And Nessie sends her regards! By the way, she apologizes that she could not be in the photo above, but the flash of the camera bothers her eyes, which are sensitive after centuries spent in the murky loch.


  1. Hmmm....I heard that Nessie only appears if you're really really sincere.....
    but you could also try not using flash.....
    perhaps you could offer chocolate as an incentive???
    Glad you're having a great time!!
    Nat, writing on B's computer

  2. awesome! I wish sheep would solemly cross my path :)maybe when I finally get the chance to come to scotland.... *sigh*
